An attempt was made to read past the end of the file Can't get enough memory to complete action Some file I/O problem The file is read-only The file is locked The disk is locked The disk is full The file is already open Open Prolog can't read a file of this type The name given as a file name is really the name of a folder Can't find the file An operator error occured A unification failure occured An unexpected character was encountered The end of the file was reached unexpectedly The variable name is too long - it can't be more than 255 characters The atom name is too long - it can't be more than 255 characters The string is too long - it can't be more than 255 characters The (quoted) atom name is too long - it can't be more than 255 characters The number specified is outside the range of numbers that can be represented by Open Prolog The text is not a complete term Some error or another